Lunch Ladies


Lunch Ladies


For the past twenty years, obsessed Johnny Depp fans and fraternal twin sisters, Seretta and LouAnne Burr, have shared a miserable existence as high school lunch ladies serving up rubbery chicken parts, ammonia-treated government meat and whatever else the cash-strapped national lunch program sends their way. This year is going to be different:  The twin’s Cheesy Burger Bites recipe is the Grand Prize Winner of Johnny Depp’s Cook for Kid’s Charity Event! Convinced this is their ticket out of high school hell town and that “The Depper” will hire them to be his very own Personal Chefs, their dreams are shattered after a snotty head cheerleader pushes them one step too far.  This forces the Lunch Ladies to ask themselves… WWJD?  What would Johnny do?


Samstag, 21. April, 20:00 Uhr | KAP94
Mittwoch, 25. April, 20:00 Uhr | Audi Programmkino

A Clarissa Jacobson Production directed by JM Logan
Fiction, United States, 2017
18:51 min | trailer 1 | trailer 2


Clarissa Jacobson started out as an actress performing off-Broadway and in numerous film and voice over roles before realizing her true passion was writing.  A long-standing member of Twin Bridges Writing Salon, she has several scripts under her belt including the full-length version of Lunch Ladies and the recently optioned Stella By Starlight.

Josh Logan is an award-winning filmmaker and cinematographer who started in makeup effects on like The Dentist, Wishmaster 2, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  He now wears diverse hats as a multi-faceted filmmaker directing, shooting, producing and editing.  His recent projects include directing The Garage Sale, producing The Disunited States Of America for Sky TV and Manson Family Vacation for the Duplass Brothers.