I am fine
– How are you?
– I am fine…
What are we telling behind this sentence ”I am fine”?
Maybe nothing but I am alive…
Can we express that without words?
Sunday, March 31, 17:00, Museum for Concrete Art
Tuesday, April 2, to Sunday, April 7, 10:00 to 17:00, Museum for Concrete Art
Director: Donnet Victoria
Producers: Kohen Yves
Experimetnal, France, 2017
4:00 min | trailer
Victoria calls herself a hybrid artist, between dance, cinema and performance. She is always looking for a way to express herself with fluidity, and where time, energy and sensations enter the dance together.
To dance the world and its images. To film dance. To dance with the camera. To choreograph through the editing of a video. And finally, to find a unique dynamic that enables all the different mediums of expression to create new pathways and new art
To dance the world and its images. To film dance. To dance with the camera. To choreograph through the editing of a video. And finally, to find a unique dynamic that enables all the different mediums of expression to create new pathways and new art