Best Short Film Monochrome


Best Short Film Monochrome |  1.000 €  |  donated by schnellervorlauf GmbH

Director: Wright Timo

Producer: Wright Timo
Documentary, Experimental, Finland, 2017
13:22 min | trailer on vimeo


What does it mean to be human?

For thousands of years philosophers and writers have puzzled over the essence of our existence; the human condition. By contrast, the makers of ‘Solace’ don’t need any theories or age-old wisdoms for their journey into the human soul. All they need is one look – and a rather long one at that – at the face of another fellow human being.

Anguish, sorrow and finally also consolation: ‘Solace’ turns everything inside out – the innermost truths become outward realities, without voyeurism, but rather with a touching sincerity. The film dares to look and accepts the challenge of retaining this gaze. Congratulations.